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 |  | 1. Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, S. Herle, C. Marcu, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control Equipments - Pneumatic Eqipments (vol. 1) (Echipamente de automatizare pneumatice si hidraulice - Echipamente pneumatice), U.T. PRES, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, ISBN 973-662-249-5
| 2. S. Herle, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Sisteme de fabricatie integrate), Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, ISBN 973-713-037-5
| 3. Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, P. Dobra, Robots Control Systems and Integrated Manufacturing (Sisteme de conducere a robotilor si fabricatie integrata), Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 1998, ISBN 973-9358-22-5
 | 1. C. Marcu, Gh. Lazea, S. Herle, R. Robotin, L. Tamas, 3D Graphical Simulation of an Articulated Serial Manipulator based on Kinematic Models, IEEE 19th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region - RAAD 2010, Budapest, Hungary, 2010, pp. 143-148, 978-1-4244-6885-0
| 2. C. Marcu, S. Herle, R. Robotin, M. Dobra, Gh. Lazea, Motion Algorithms for an Industrial Robot Graphical Simulator, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, , 978-1-4244-6722-8
| 3. S.
Herle, S. Man, Gh. Lazea, C. Marcu, P. Raica and R. Robotin, Hierarchical Myoelectric Control of a Human Upper Limb Prosthesis, AQTR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, ,
| 4. S. Herle, S. Man, Gh.Lazea, C.Marcu, R. Robotin
, Exploiting parallel processing and optimal paths in a flexible
manufacturing system, AQTR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, ,
| 5. S. Herle, S. Man, Gh.Lazea, R. Robotin, C.Marcu, Myoelectrical signal
classification for the hierarchical control of a human hand prosthesis, Proceedings of AQTR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, ,
| 6. S. Man, C. Cescon, T. Vieira, Gh. Lazea, R. Merletti, The activation of
different muscle compartiments during finger flexion movements: A
prelinimary study, Proceedings of MCC2010 Conference - From Basic Motor
Control to Functional Recovery VII, Varna, Bulgaria, 2010, ,
| 7. A. Savu, Gh. Lazea, P.S. Agachi, Optimization and advanced control for thermal cracking
processes, Proceedings of ESCAPE 20 (European Symposium
of Computer Aided Process Engineering), Ischia, Napoli, Italy, 2010, , ISBN: 978-0-444-53718-8
| 8. L. C. Goron, Z. C. Marton, Gh. Lazea, M. Beetz, Automatic Layered 3D Reconstruction of Simplified Object Models for Grasping, Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK), Munich, Germany, 2010, ,
| 9. L. C. Goron, L. Tamas, I. Reti, G. Lazea, 3D Laser Scanning System and 3D Segmentation of Urban Scenes, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, Romania, 2010, ,
| 10. L. Tamas, M. Popa, Gh. Lazea, I. Szoke, A. Majdik, Laser and Vision Based Object Detection for Mobile Robots, International Journal of Mechanics and Control, Vol.: 11, No. 2, , 2010, pp.: 89-95, ISSN: 1590-8844
| 11. L. Tamas, M. Popa, Gh. Lazea, I. Szoke, A. Majdik, Lidar and Vision Based People Detection and Tracking, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Romania, Vol.: 12, No.: 2, Romania, 2010, pp.:30-35, ISSN 1454-8658
| 12. A. Majdik, I. Szoke, L. Tamas, M. Popa, Gh. Lazea, Laser and vision based map building techniques for mobile robot navigation, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR - THETA 17, Romania, 2010, pp.:.360-365, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6722-8
| 13. A. Majdik; L. Tamas; M. Popa; I. Szoke; Gh. Lazea, Visual Odometer System to Build Feature Based Maps for Mobile Robot Navigation, 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, 2010, pp.: 1200-1205, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8090-6
| 14. A. Majdik; M. Popa; L. Tamas; I. Szoke; Gh. Lazea, New Approach in Solving the Kidnapped Robot Problem, The 41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2010) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2010), VDE Verlag, 2010, pp.: 304-309, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3273-9
| 15. A. Majdik, I. Szoke, M. Popa, L. Tamas, Gh. Lazea, Mapping Techniques for AMPLE an Autonomous Security Mobile Robot, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, , 2010, ,
| 16. I. Szoke, A. Majdik, D. Lupea, L. Tamas, Gh. Lazea, Autonomous Mapping in Poluated Environments, Hunagrian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, Veszprém, Hungary, 2010, ,
| 17. S. Man, S. Herle, Gh. Lazea, I. Muntean, D. Bordencea, B. Muresan, The
use of neural networks inclassification of the electromyographical
signals, Proceedings of the 9th national conference “Profesor Dorin
Pavel”, Sebes, Romania, 2009, ,
| 18. S. Man, S. Herle, Classification of electromyographic signals using
autoregressive modeling and neural networks, Automation and Computer
Science Students Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2009, ,
| 19. S. Herle, S. Man, Gh. Lazea, Multitasking Programming In Flexible
Manufacturing Systems, The 20th DAAAM World Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2009, ,
| 20. S. Man, S. Herle, Gh. Lazea, Classification Of Electromyographic
Signals Using Autoregressive Modeling, The 20th DAAAM World Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2009, ,
| 21. A. Savu, Gh. Lazea, The Dynamic Model for a
Segment of an Ethylene Coil and its DeltaV Implementation, Proceedings of 10th International Carpathian Control
Conference, Zakopane, Poland, 2009, , ISBN: 8389772-51-5
| 22. A. R. Savu, The dynamic model for an ethylene coil, Automation and Computer Science Students Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2009, ,
| 23. Z. C. Marton, L. C. Goron, R. B. Rusu, M. Beetz, Reconstruction and Verification of 3D Object Models for Grasping, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Robotics Research , Lucerne, Switzerland, 2009, ,
| 24. M. Popa; A. Majdik; Gh. Lazea, The Reduction of the False Positive Detections Number for the Adaboost Classifier, The 20th DAAAM World Symposium, Vienna, 2009, pp.: 1093-1094, ISSN: 1726-9679
| 25. L. Tamas; A. Majdik; Gh. Lazea, Sensor Data Fusion Based Position Estimation Techniques in Mobile Robot Navigation, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, , 2009, pp.:4457-4462, ISBN 978-963-311-369-1
| 26. A. Majdik; L. Tamas; Gh. Lazea, Fast Point Cloud Registration Algorithm To Build 3d Maps For Robot Navigation, The 20th DAAAM World Symposium, Viena, Austria, 2009, pp.: 933-934, ISSN: 1726-9679
| 27. L. Tamas, M. Popa, Gh. Lazea, I. Szoke, A. Majdik, Laser and Vision Based People Detection for Mobile Robots, The 18th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, Brasov, Romania, 2009, , ISBN 978-606-521-315-9
| 28. L. Tamas; Gh. Lazea; I. Szoke; M. Popa; A. Majdik, Laser based localization techniques for indoor mobile robots, Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems, Iasi, Romania, 2009, pp.: 169 – 170, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3753-5
| 29. M. Popa; Gh. Lazea; A. Majdik; L. Tamas; I. Szoke, An Effective Method for People Detection in Grayscale Image Sequences, IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Romania, 2009, pp. 181-184, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5007-7
| 30. L. Tamas; Gh. Lazea; A. Majdik; M. Popa; I. Szoke, Position Estimation Techniques for Mobile Robots, 7th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, Springer Verlag, Poland, 2009, pp.: 319-328, ISBN: 978-1-84882-958-5
| 31. I. Szoke, Path Planning Using the Markovian Properties, Automation and Computer Science Students Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2009, , ISBN: 9789736625-17-6
| 32. A. Majdik; L. Tamas; M. Popa; I. Szoke; Gh. Lazea, Visual odometer system for mobile robot position correction, XIX. International Conference on Computer Science – SzámOkt, Targu-Mures, Romania, 2009, pp.: 284-288, ISSN: 1842-4546
| 33. I. Szoke; L. Tamas; Gh. Lazea; M. Popa; A. Majdik, Path Planning With Markovian Processes, 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Italy, 2009, pp.: 479-482, ISBN: 978-989-674-000-9
| 34. I. Szoke; L. Tamas; Gh. Lazea; M. Popa; A. Majdik, Path Planning and Dynamic Objects Detection, 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Germany, 2009, pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4855-5
| 35. L. Tamas, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, C. Marcu, A. Madjik, Mobile Robot Position Estimation Based on Multi Sensor Fusion, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium, Trnava, Slovakia, 2008, pp., ISBN:
| 36. S. Herle, P. Raica, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, C. Marcu, L. Tamas , Classification of surface electromyographic signals for control of upper limb virtual prosthesis using time-domain features, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, Volume 3, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008, pp. 160-165, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1
| 37. Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, S. Herle, C. Marcu, L. Tamas, Mobile robots formation navigation with behavior based algorithms, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, Volume 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008, pp. 388-391, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1
| 38. L. Tamas, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, C. Marcu, S. Herle, Z. Szekely, State estimation based on Kalman filtering techniques in navigation, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, Volume 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008, pp. 147-152, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1
| 39. C. Marcu, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, S. Herle, L. Tamas, Industrial robot controller using miniature computers, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, Volume 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008, pp. 341-344, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1
| 40. Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, C. Marcu, L. Tamas, Autonomous System for Mobile Robot Navigation, The International Symposium SINTES13, Craiova, Romania, 2007, vol 1, pp. 250-254, ISBN 978-973-742-839-4
| 41. Gh. Lazea, R. B. Rusu, R. Robotin, R. Sime, The ZeeRO mobile robot - A modular architecture, RAAD 2006 International Workshop on Robotics, Balaton, Hungary, 2006, pp., ISBN 963-7154-48-5
| 42. R. B. Rusu, R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, C. Marcu, Towards Open Architectures for Mobile Robots: ZeeRO, IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2006 (THETA 15), 25-28 May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2006, pp. 260-265, ISBN 1-4244-0361-8
| 43. C. Marcu, Gh. Lazea, R. Robotin, An OpenGL Application for Industrial Robots Simulation, IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2006 (THETA 15), 25-28 May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2006, pp. 254-259, ISBN 1-4244-0361-8
| 44. M. Trusca, Gh. Lazea, P. Dobra, Adaptive tracking control algorithm for a robot manipulators system, International Conference on Intelligent Eng. Systems, INES 04, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2004, pp. 166, ISBN 973-662-120.0
| 45. R. B. Rusu, L. Miclea, S. Enyedi, Robotux - a multiagent robot based security system, Proceedings of IEEE-TTTC Automation, Quality & Testing, Robotics International Conference 2004, AQTR Junior section, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2004, pp. 59-64, ISBN
| 46. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, S. Herle, Potential field navigation system for Pioneer 2 mobile robot, 14-th International DAAAM Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hertegovina, 2003, pp. 389, ISBN-3-901.509.34.8
| 47. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, S. Herle, Navigation algorithm for Pioneer 2 mobile robot-hybrid potential field method, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, 2003, pp. 20, ISBN
| 48. M. Trusca, Gh. Lazea, An adaptive PID learning controller for periodic robot motion, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Istambul, Turkey, 2003, pp. 686, ISBN 0-7803-7729-X/03
| 49. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, S. Herle, Hybrid navigation system for Pioneer 2 mobile robot, DAAAM 2002, Viena, Austria, 2002, pp. 471, ISBN
| 50. M. Trusca, Gh. Lazea, P. Dobra, Neural networks algorithm for optimal control of robotic manipulators, INES 2002 (Intelligent Eng.Systems), Opatija, Croatia, 2002, pp. 231, ISBN
| 51. M. Trusca, Gh. Lazea, Adaptive controller for robot arms, International Conference A&QT-R, 23 May 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2002, pp. 89, ISBN
| 52. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, Path planning in an unknown enviroment, International Conference A&QT-R, 23 May 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2002, pp. 83, ISBN
| 53. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, Efficient real-time replanning for mobile robots, 12-th International Symposium DAAAM, 24-27 Oct 2001, Jena, Germany, 2001, pp. 403, ISBN 3-901509-19-4
| 54. P. Dobra, Gh. Lazea, D. Moga, Multi-objective robust control synthesis of controller robot manipulator, 10-th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region-RAAD'01, 16-18 May 2001, Viena, Austria, 2001, pp., ISBN
| 55. R. Robotin, Gh. Lazea, Simulation enviroment for mobile robots, The 11-th International DAAAM Symposium, 19-21 Oct 2000, Opatija, Croatia, 2000, pp. 403, ISBN 3.901.509.13.5
| 56. Gh. Lazea, A. Muresan, E. Lupu, Special features extraction with applications in vision driven robots, International Conference Q and A-R 2000, Tome II, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2000, pp., ISBN
| 57. Gh. Lazea, A. Muresan, E. Lupu, P. Dobra, Image interpretation algorithms with applications in mobile robots, DAAAM Workshop, 27-29 May 1999, Miskolc, Hungary, 1999, pp. 243-247, ISBN 963.661.3710
| 58. P. Dobra, Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, A. Muresan, Robots synthesis of controller for motion control of robot manipulators, Micro CAD 99, Miskolc, Hungary, 1999, pp., ISBN
| 59. P. Dobra, Gh. Lazea, D. Moga, Repetitive control of robot manipulators using H design, 10th International DAAAM Symposium 21-23 Oct 1999, Viena, Austria, 1999, pp. E.006, ISBN 3-901.509.10.0
| 60. Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, S. Folea, Ultrasonic finding sensor, International Conference on Automation and Quality Control-A and Q, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1998, pp. A 337-341, ISBN
| 61. M. Patko, Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, Structures and control algorithms for autonomous mobil robots-locomotion module, 8-th DAAAM-International Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1997, pp. 257, ISBN 3-9-901.509-04-6
| 62. Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, Aspects on path planning for mobile robot, Workshop Computer Aided Engineering in Flexible Manufacturing, Bucharest, Romania, 1997, pp. 131-143, ISBN
| 63. Gh. Lazea, M. Patko, E. Lupu, Locomotion module for autonomous mobile robot-structure and control algorithm, Micro-CAD’97, Miskolc, Hungary, 1997, pp., ISBN
| 64. Gh. Lazea, E. Lupu, M. Patko, The architecture of MAURO-autonomous mobile robot. Path planning and obstacle avoidance modules, 8-th DAAAM-Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing. International Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1997, pp. 199-200, ISBN 3-901.509-04-6