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Welcome to the Robotics Research Group
 |  |  |  | PhD., MSc., Eng. | Professor [CV] | Gheorghe.Lazea@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401239 | 26-28 G.Baritiu Street, 400027 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | PhD., MSc., Eng. | Teaching Assistant [CV] | Radu.Robotin@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401267 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | Lecturer, PhD. Student [CV] | Sorin.Herle@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401585 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | rusu@cs.tum.edu | +49 (89) 289-17780 | Boltzmann Street 3 D-85748 Garching | Munich, Germany |  |
 |  |  |  | PhD., MSc., Eng. | Teaching Assistant [CV] | Cosmin.Marcu@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401584 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | PhD., MSc., Eng. | Teaching Assistant [CV] | Levente.Tamas@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401586 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Andras.Majdik@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Sergiu.Man@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Mircea.Popa@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Andreea.Savu@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Istvan.Szoke@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | Teaching Assistant [CV] | Lucia.Vacariu@cs.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401477 | 26-28 Gh. Baritiu Street, 400027 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Lucian.Goron@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |
 |  |  |  | MSc., Eng. | PhD. Student [CV] | Diana.Lupea@aut.utcluj.ro | +40-264-401587 | 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, 400609 Cluj-Napoca | Cluj, Romania |  |