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[ Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ] The Robotics Research Group is headed by Prof. PhD. Eng. Gheorghe Lazea and has 14 active members. Since 2004, the group has developed various projects within the following research areas: autonomous mobile robots, industrial robots, computer assisted flexible manufacturing systems, sensors and actuation systems, data acquisition. Robotics Research Group Infrastructure:
Equipments - Fanuc M-6IB/2HS Serial Robot
 - Festo 2DOF Pneumatic Manipulator
 - SCARA ER14 industrial robot with accessories
- Scorbot ER V plus industrial robot
- ER MICROCIM (Eshed Robotec) - flexible system
- CIM system with OMRON CPM 2A and OMRON CQM1 programmable controllers
- 3 axis positioning system with Allen Bradley SLC500 programmable logical controller
- Pioneer 2DX (Activ Media) mobile robot
- Pioneer P3-AT (Activ Media) mobile robot
- ZeeRO mobile robot
- FischerTechnik industrial robots (1 pneumatic, 1 electric)
- DargonFly radio remote controlled mini helicopter
- Video acquisition system (3 video cameras, data board)
- Stereovision system
Computers and Accesories - 1 microcomputer GUMSTIX Connex 400XM-BT with WifistixCF
 - 8 workstations HP dc2800 Intel Core2Duo 2.8GHz 1 Gb RAM
 - 6 workstations Intel P4 2.4GHz 512Mb RAM
- 6 workstations Intel P4 1.7GHz 256Mb RAM
- 1 internet server Intel P4 2.4GHz 512Mb RAM
- wireless LAN 54Mbs
Software - Matlab R2007 (Windows and Linux)
 - CCS PIC MCU C Compiler for Linux
 - Development, testing and simulation software package for OMRON family programmable logical controllers (Cx Programmer, Cx Supervisor, Cx Simulator)
- Development, testing and simulation software package for Allen Bradley family programmable logical controllers (RS LogixPro, LogixPro Simulator)
- Software development tools for Eshed family industrial robots (SCARA, Scorbot) - ACL Programmer, Open CIM
- Control software for FischerTechnik industrial robots
- Arena - software system for planning, control, modeling and analysis of industrial manufacturing processes
- Software system for Pioneer 2 mobile robots - Saphira by Active Media
- Software system for ZeeRo mobile robot
The research infrastructure of the group is accessible to students, PhD students, researchers from universities and research institutes, as well as for industry researchers. This research group is affiliated with the Automation department, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. You may visit the department's webpage at http://aut.utcluj.ro or the university's webpage at http://www.utcluj.ro. |