:. People
The Robotics Research Group started its existence in 2004 ad. Its current permanent members are (in alphabetical order):
Marius BORODI |
- MsC.Ing., PhD student, researcher |
(Marius.Borodi aut.utcluj.ro) |
Florin COTOFAN |
- MsC.Ing., teaching assistant |
(Florin.Cotofan aut.utcluj.ro) |
Florin COSTEA |
- MsC.Ing., PhD student, researcher |
(Florin.Costea aut.utcluj.ro) |
Sorin HERLE |
- MsC.Ing., PhD student, teaching assistant |
(Sorin.Herle aut.utcluj.ro) |
Gheorghe LAZEA |
- Prof.Dr.Ing., head of the group |
(Gheorghe.Lazea aut.utcluj.ro) |
Cosmin MARCU |
- MsC.Ing., PhD student, researcher |
(Cosmin.Marcu aut.utcluj.ro) |
- MsC.Ing., PhD student, lecturer |
(Radu.Robotin aut.utcluj.ro) |
In addition to the people listed above, a number of diploma students are working with us each year.
Alumni/Former members:
Mihaiela CHIRA |
- Dipl.Ing. |
(chira_alex yahoo.com) |
Florin DINGA |
- Dipl.Ing. |
(florin.dinga gmail.com) |
Florin MEZEI |
- Dipl.Ing. |
(florin_2k1 yahoo.com) |
Remus SIME |
- Dipl.Ing. |
(sime_remus yahoo.com) |
Romulus SIME |
- Dipl.Ing. |
(sime_romulus yahoo.com) |
Daniel BERA |
- MsC.Ing. |
(Daniel.Bera energobit.com) |
Adrian BUNEA |
- MsC.Ing. |
(ady_bv yahoo.com) |
Radu Bogdan RUSU |
- MsC.Ing. |
(http://www.rbrusu.com Radu.Rusu aut.utcluj.ro) |
We are welcoming any individuals with interests in robotics to join our research group. For any additional information about us, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to Radu.Rusu aut.utcluj.ro with "rrg-question" as Subject.